Senior Secondary is an exciting time in a student's education journey. It is also a critical time when students have the opportunity to develop skills and capabilities that prepare them for whichever post-secondary education pathway they desire.
To enable success for all students, Ravenshoe State School P - 12 offers a wide range of senior studies subjects and courses to cover a diverse range of students' abilities, skills and interests. This high degree of flexibility and choice, provides ample opportunity for every student to experience success and to pursue a rich learning pathway to their future. Refer to Senior Subject Selection Handbook.
Senior secondary learning pathway options available include:
• General subjects (preparation for tertiary study and ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank).
• Applied subjects (practical/skilled based subjects)
• Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications (direct entry into the workforce or for further education and training)
• A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship
• Recognised subjects/courses from Training and Further Education (TAFE) and university
• A combination of the above
For all students, their chosen learning pathway must make them eligible to achieve either a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).
Year 10 is the start of students' senior studies and is a time when students are exposed to more independent learning strategies and the rigour expected of Year 11 and 12 subjects. In Year 10, students are encouraged to plan and commit to a two year course of study for Years 11 and 12. To facilitate this, all Year 10 students complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) plan. The SET plan helps students to identify and align their skills, interests and capabilities with goals for further study or the world of work post school. Strategies and steps to achieving these goals can then be planned and monitored in their senior years of schooling.